Q.What kind of game is this?
This is a dungeon RPG game where you roll dice and explore dungeons to find treasures.
The game is based on ‘Play to Earn’ as its main content, making it a blockchain game.
Progress through dungeons, defeat monsters, and discover rare equipment hidden deep within the dungeons to aim for various rewards.
Q.Can I play for free?
The gameplay is primarily free to play.
However, acquiring various benefits in the game, such as “NFTs,” will generally incur costs.
Additionally, communication fees and connection charges are the responsibility of the customer.
Q.Are there any age restrictions?
There are no age restrictions.
Q.Can I use other NFTs, too?
Other NFTs cannot be used with this title at present.
Also, NFTs from other platforms cannot be used in this game, even if they are NFTs associated with this game.
Q.Why does the game run unreliably and crash upon opening?
It’s possible that you are using a browser other than the recommended one.
Please try launching the game using Google Chrome.
Q.Is support available in foreign languages?
This game supports both Japanese and English.
Q.When is the date updated in this game?
The date is updated at 09:00 (JST).
Q.Where can I find maintenance information and the latest updates?
Please check the announcements in the game and on the official website.
Also, feel free to utilize the posts on our official X (https://twitter.com/R3_GAME_EN).
Q.What is “Play to Earn (P2E)”?
“Play to Earn (P2E)” refers to receiving cryptocurrency rewards by playing the game.
In this game, players can earn DCC (Dungeon Coin Currency), which can be exchanged for OAS, by exploring dungeons and defeating monsters.
As cryptocurrency can be converted to other virtual or fiat currencies through exchanges, playing the game opens up more opportunities.
Q.What is an NFT game (Blockchain game)?
An NFT game, or Blockchain game, utilizes blockchain technology to manage the trading data of cryptocurrencies and NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens).
Q.What is cryptocurrency (cryptocurrency)?
Cryptocurrency, or cryptocurrency, refers to digital assets whose value is secured mainly by blockchain technology and can be exchanged over the internet.
Q.What is DCC?
DCC stands for “Dungeon Coin Currency” and is the in-game currency that players can earn.
It is exchanged for OAS based on a predetermined exchange rate set at regular intervals.
The exchange rate is not fixed and fluctuates each time.
At the time of release, DCC cannot be exchanged for OAS.
Separate announcements will be made when this becomes possible.
Q.What is NFT?
NFT stands for Non-Fungible Token, which is a digital asset that can be “owned” based on blockchain technology.
Similar to real-world assets, it can be bought and sold.
Trading can be done on NFT marketplaces compatible with the respective blockchain.
At the time of release, NFTs cannot be listed on the marketplace.
Separate announcements will be made when this becomes possible.
Q.What is Rarity?
Rarity indicates the rarity level of adventurers (character NFTs), equipment, monsters, etc.
It represents their scarcity.
Legendary | Most powerful and highest rarity |
Epic | Extremely powerful and high rarity |
Rare | Strong and relatively high rarity |
Uncommon | Moderately powerful and moderately rare |
Common | Most common |
Q.What is User Rank?
User Rank is an indicator of how many dungeons a user has explored.
By exploring dungeons, users gradually increase their rank.
Additionally, increasing rank allows users to receive benefits such as stamina recovery in the game.
Q.What is “NFT Activate” on equipment?
When acquired, all equipment is initially in a “non-NFT” state.
“NFT Activate” refers to the process of converting it into an NFT.
Additionally, some equipment gains additional effects or stats through NFT activation.
Q.Some high-rarity adventurers have lower stats than low-rarity ones.
As the rarity increases, adventurers become extremely powerful.
It’s not just about having higher stats; even if their stats are lower than low-rarity adventurers, they may have powerful skill effects or become stronger under specific conditions.
Additionally, each adventurer has their own unique characteristics, so find compatible adventurers and build your party accordingly.
Q.How can adventurers and equipment be obtained?
Initially, there are six adventurers available.
To acquire more powerful adventurers, you can purchase them in-game or buy those listed on the NFT marketplace.
Equipment can be obtained by looting chests in dungeons or purchasing them from the NFT marketplace.
Q.What are the “Healer” and “Thief” listed in adventurer details?
Each adventurer has a set “type.”
Types vary in ways like the following.
Physical Attacker | This type is specialized in physical attacks. They are a key part of your offense.(Physical) |
Magic Attacker | This type is specialized in magic attacks. They are a key part of your offense.(Magic) |
Healer | This type restores health. They can treat your team’s wounds. |
Thief | This type fights by relying on evasion. They deal constant damage. |
Tank | This type specializes in defense. They can serve as a shield and increase your team’s defense. |
Support | This type excels at enhancing and supporting your team, or in weakening the enemy. |
Q.How do adventurer stats work?
HP | Adventurer health. |
ATK | Adventurer physical attack strength. |
DEF | Adventurer resistance to physical attacks. |
INT | Adventurer magic attack strength. |
RES | Adventurer resistance to magic attacks. |
DEX | Adventurer accuracy and precision. |
AGI | Adventurer evasion. |
Q.What do I do to raise my adventurer’s level?
You can raise an adventurer’s level in the following ways.
・Win battles with monsters to gain experience.
・Use items to raise adventurer experience.
Q.Adventurers have “battle skills” and “dungeon skills.” How are they different?
Adventurers have battle skills they can only use in battles with monsters and dungeon skills they can only use when exploring the dungeon.
Some adventurers only have battle skills only.
Q.Is it possible to include the same adventurer in the party?
Yes, that is possible.
Q.What is “Limit Break”?
Adventurers who join your party become stronger by leveling up, but their level limit is initially set at 75. Some adventurers may reach a point where they can’t grow any further within this limit, but it’s possible to raise the level cap by using specific materials. This is referred to as “Limit Break (Level Cap Release)”.
Level Cap Release can be performed using materials obtained in dungeons and gold (in-game currency). There are several types of Level Cap Releases, and the required materials vary depending on the adventurer. So, explore dungeons to gather a variety of materials.
Q.What do I need to limit break an adventurer?
You need limit break materials and gold.
There are also several varieties of limit break materials, and the type required will vary by adventurer.
Q.What specific effects does the “NFT bonus” have on adventurers and equipment?
The number shown in this location is added into the amount of DCC available in the game.
You will not receive NFT bonus effects if the amount of DCC is 0.
Q.Are adventurers deleted when their HP reaches 0?
No, they are not.
An adventurer will leave the dungeon when their HP reaches 0, and will be restored to full HP when you complete the dungeon.
However, adventurers who reach 0 HP in the dungeon or a battle will not be able to participate in battles or that dungeon until they are healed using items or specific tile effects.
Q.Can you enhance the equipment you find?
There are equipment items that, when activated as NFTs, provide additional effects and increase their stats.
Additionally, merging non-NFT equipment with NFT equipment of the same name enhances their base stats and NFT bonus values.
When synthesizing equipment, the base value of each stat is reflected based on whichever is higher when compared to the material equipment.
Q.My equipment is full. Can I sell equipment?
In principle, you can sell off equipment you find.
However, please note that you can’t sell equipment that you have used “Activate NFT” on.
Q.Does stamina recover over time?
Yes, it does.
Stamina typically depletes by 10 per roll of the dice in dungeons (excluding specific conditions like events) and recovers once every 3 minutes.
Q.There are tiles I can’t step on. Why?
There are some set tiles you can’t step on in the dungeon map.
There are no advantageous effects or treasure chests on tiles you can’t step on, so don’t worry about them too much.
Q.I rolled a higher number than what it takes to get to the goal. Do I still make the goal?
In this game, you get a goal the moment you reach the goal square, not just when you land on it directly.
Q.Can I continue playing where I left off after stopping midway?
Yes, you can.
If you have a save where you suspended mid-dungeon, there will be a banner marked “Progress” on the selection screen for the dungeon to explore. Selecting that banner will let you restart the game from the start of the turn when you suspended in that dungeon.
that if you stop on a Monster Tile or interrupt a battle, you will be returned to the beginning of the battle.
So, be cautious when stopping on a Monster Tile and starting a battle.
Q.Is there a way I can check which dungeon has a specific item?
Yes, you can.
There is a treasure chest icon on the screen where you select stages during dungeon selection, and selecting the “Details” button under the icon will display a list of items available in that stage.
Q.Are there clear or failure conditions for the dungeon?
Generally, you clear dungeons by reaching the goal.
You fail to clear a dungeon if all 6 adventurers in your party reach 0 HP, if you do not reach the goal tile within a specific number of turns, or if the user selects to “retire.”
Q.I got poisoned by the tile I stopped on. Is there a way to cure it?
If you are poisoned or have another status effect, you can cure the status effect by waiting a set number of turns, using an item, or using a dungeon skill some adventurers have.
Q.Please tell me about various abnormal conditions.
![]() | Poison: | One point of damage is taken for each square moved. |
![]() | Burn: | One point of damage is taken for each square moved. |
![]() | Frostbite: | At the end of the turn, you take damage, and the dice roll is subtracted. |
![]() | Lost: | You move in the opposite direction of the dice roll result. |
![]() | Slip: | The dice roll result is increased by 1 square. |
![]() | Slow: | The dice roll result becomes equal to or less than a specific number. |
![]() | Raid: | You can always take the first turn in battles. |
![]() | Resist: | You have a chance to negate negative spaces (status abnormalities) through probability. |
![]() | Iron Shoes: | It mitigates the damage from negative spaces (damage). |
![]() | Energy Charge: | It increases the initial energy during battles. |
Q.What can users do during battles?
Battles follow the flow of events below. *This example shows the user acting first, and monsters second.
- 1. Roll for initiative, deciding who goes first or second (only when starting battle).
- 2. Roll battle dice and gain potential actions for that turn.
- 3-a. The actions you can take differ depending on your dice roll (the “symbol” from here on).
- • Attack Symbol Attack the number of times rolled.
- • Double Attack Symbol Double attack the number of times rolled.
- • Heal Symbol Restore any adventurer’s HP the number of times rolled.
- The following three types do not have user input.
- • Shield Symbol Shields against the next monster attack, reducing damage.
- • Energy Symbol Lets you store up the energy required to use adventurer battle skills.
- • Blank Symbol This is the failure result. The number of things you can do that turn is reduced by the number of blanks.
- 3-b. If you have enough energy symbols, you can use adventurer battle skills.
- The number of symbols required depends on the adventurer and skill.
- Additionally, some skills, like “performing recovery,” have activation conditions that require someone in the party not to have taken damage.
- 3-c. If you rolled at least one heal symbol, you can restore HP for any adventurer.
- 4. Select the “Turn End” button when you are ready to end your turn.
You can also use items either before or after rolling the battle dice.
Q.The symbol I got then vanished when the next turn started. Why?
All symbols gained in battle via battle dice rolls are reset with the exception of energy gained from energy symbols.
The symbols you gain are usually used up in that turn and do not carry over.
Q.The enemies are too tough. How do I beat them?
Adventurers level up and improve their stats by gaining experience.
Occasionally, they discover treasure “equipment” while exploring dungeons.
By leveraging these items, adventurers can strengthen their party by organizing them and equipping acquired gear, thereby increasing the overall combat effectiveness of the party and getting closer to clearing objectives.
Q.I used the same battle skill more than once but didn’t gain the effects multiple times. What’s wrong?
You cannot stack identical or similar effects (for effective turns or effect intensity) in this title.
The skill with the greater effect will overwrite the weaker skill.
Keep this in mind when using overlapping skills.
Q.Please tell me about various abnormal conditions.
![]() | single effect(UP): | The stats value has increased by one. |
![]() | single effect(DOWN): | The stats value has decreased by one. |
![]() | Shield: | It reduces the damage from enemies. |
![]() | Poison: | You take damage at the end of the turn. |
![]() | Stun: | There is a certain probability of skill usage, attacks, or actions failing. |
![]() | Darkness: | The accuracy rate (DEX) decreases. |
![]() | Petrify: | You become unable to take any actions. Additionally, the damage received from enemies is increased by 1.2 times. |
![]() | Regen: | You recover HP at the end of the turn. |
![]() | Resist: | It has a chance to negate status effects inflicted by enemies. |
![]() | Illusion: | The attack target randomly changes, and it can target either an enemy or an ally. |
![]() | Nullify Physical: | It nullifies physical attacks. |
![]() | Nullify Magic: | It nullifies magical attacks. |
![]() | Focus: | When the enemy performs a single-target attack, there is a chance to redirect the attack towards oneself. |
Party Formation
Q.Can I set a party formation with fewer than 6 adventurers?
You will not be able to finalize a party with less than 6 adventurers.
Always set party formations with at least 6 adventurers.
Q.Can I save more than one party formation?
You can only have one party; there is no way to edit and save multiple parties.
Q.How do I raise the number for my NFT bonus?
The NFT bonus values shown on the party formation screen are totals of the following.
- a. NFT bonus values set for the adventurers in a party themselves.
- b. NFT bonus values set for equipment used by adventurers in a party.
When calculating the NFT bonus value shown under a formation, the NFT bonus will increase if adventurers and equipment with higher NFT bonuses are set to the party formation.
Q.Why can’t I log in?
Please try clearing your browser’s cache and cookies.
Q.Why can’t I use the monster feature?
The monster feature is currently locked.
We appreciate your patience until the feature is unlocked.
Q.How do I regenerate stamina?
You can regenerate stamina in either of the following ways.
- • Natural recovery over time.
- • Recovery by using items.
Q.Are you planning any collaborations with other content providers?
We do not currently have any collaboration plans.
Q.I want to play from my mobile device but can’t press the button to start the game on the title screen. Why is this?
Changing your browser settings allows the game to run properly in some cases.
Place a check by “PC website/Desktop site” on your browser settings menu, and then try restarting your browser.
If this does not correct the issue, please contact us with the type of device you are using from the Contact field.
Q.When launching the app on an iOS device (Safari), a gray bar appears at the bottom of the screen when in landscape mode.
Please try adding the app to your home screen by clicking the share icon and selecting ‘Add to Home Screen.’ Launching it from there may result in proper functionality.
Q.Why can’t I use this NFT I bought in this game?
Please try clicking the “Refresh NFT data” button in Rogue Roll Ruler’s options, in order to sync with your wallet.
Q.Can I use NFTs from this game in other games?
NFTs from this game are not currently usable in other games.
Q.Is there an official community hub?
For official community updates, please visit our official X (formerly Twitter) account at https://twitter.com/R3_GAME_EN.
Q.Is there an app version of this game?
This game does not have an app version. It is only available in browsers.
Q.Terms of Service
You can read the terms of service for this game from the following link.
Terms of Use
Q.What about the Privacy Policy?
You can read the game’s privacy policy from the following link.
Privacy Policy
Q.Contact Us
If the FAQ does not answer your questions or resolve an issue, please contact us from the form below.
Contact Form
Note that we are unable to address questions regarding gameplay.